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Submission Guidelines

Submitting to Writerz Block is easy! To facilitate your processing, please make sure your work fits the following guidelines.

At this time, Writerz Block is only accepting submissions in English.

We accept work in PDF, DOCX, and DOC. Related image files can be in JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF, PSD,or XCF.

We aren't here for artwork, but we can help with re-sizing and minor modifications to your open source or owned images for minimal charge upon inquiry.  **please inquire about our new cover design options**

When submitting, be sure to add your contact name in either the file name, or the heading of the document itself.  In the subject line of the email be sure to let us know what sort of attachment you are submitting.  For example:  If you are submitting a collection of poetry for copy editing services you would put 'your full name poetrycollection edit' in the subject line to assure expedient service and response.  After we get to know you, all your information will end up in your own portfolio, so your entire contact information is only important for your first submission. Be sure to make a note of your preferred contact method, whether it is phone, mail, email, skype, messenger, smoke signal, telepathy, or just screaming really loudly.

The most important part will be a brief paragraph in front of your work, detailing what you would like us to do for you.

After that, just send it off to

"I find I  get great feed back and also damn good suggestions and tweaks to my stuff that'll make it more powerful.  With the help on my last poem, she (Julie) helped  push it beyond what i had hoped for and made it something that I believe is one of my best poems.  With the assistance of her awesome talent, I  will always be grateful.  Especially since my latest poem is one that has great feeling and has a spot in my heart. Definitely will recommend her to anyone that needs help with their writings."  -Eric, Baraga, MI


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